
Emsella is a revolutionary, FDA-approved, non-invasive solution for incontinence and sexual dysfunction treatment.
When it comes to urinary incontinence, say goodbye to embarrassing leaks, discomfort, and limitations on your daily activities. This non-invasive treatment is a game changer when it comes to addressing urinary incontinence—especially in women—and is becoming the go-to solution for those seeking a long-lasting, non-surgical option.
During treatment, you simply sit on a specialized chair that emits electromagnetic energy that stimulates the pelvic floor muscles. This stimulation helps improve muscle tone and strength, which can significantly reduce urinary incontinence.
Treatment sessions stimulate thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions (commonly called kegels) which are extremely important in muscle re-education on incontinent patients. Patients simply experience a tingling sensation during treatment.